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Rough Self Healed Flat Cluster


This rough pair of flat points initially looks like they have been snapped off a larger crystal, which they may have been - thousands of years ago - but in the mean time they have started to re-grow a new surface on their underside which means they are a "Self Healed" crystal.

Self Healed crystals are said to (as well as the normal properties of quartz) be helpful to use in a self healing process - they are said to carry the energy of the already healed which you can tap into, encouraging your own healing process.

Please look closely at the photos as this is a little rough in a few places, but overall it's lovely..and to me feels like it is a re-connector of energy and could help fractured energy re-connect.

It measures about 9cm long x 3.3cm wide x 2cm deep.

Properties of Quartz

  • Empowering
  • pain relief
  • healing

Quartz is said to be the stone of power as it amplifies any energy or intention. Often used to protect against negativity and help with connection to your higher self.