Celestobarite Palm Stone

Celestobarite is said to connect to the solar plexus and crown chakras, opening and cleansing them.

It's thought to help open up the energy of the carrier to receive guidance from the higher dimensions helping you step into your personal power and use it for one’s highest good. It brings balance, so that you can view life’s experiences and situations from all sides and be wise and objective in your outlook and actions.

The supportive energy of celestobarite can also be helpful when used for meditation or during Shamanic journeys.

Celestobarite is thought to help open up the energy of the carrier to receive guidance from the higher dimensions helping you step into your personal power and use it for one’s highest good. It brings balance, so that you can view life’s experiences and situations from all sides and be wise and objective in your outlook and actions. is said to connect to the solar plexus and crown chakras, opening and cleansing them.