Tigers Eye is a stone of good luck, wealth and courage. It is said to bless the wearer/carrier with personal empowerment, a joyful outlook and sunny disposition, whilst maintaining mental clarity and foresight.
It is said to bring passion and physical strength to the carrier.
Tigers Eye, for aeons has been worn and carried as a talisman for protection. It is especially helpful against dark magic and ill intent. A good luck stone, it can also be used for uncovering the truth whilst helping one remain grounded.
Blue Tiger Eye is calming and releases stress. It aids the quick-tempered, over-anxious and phobic; Thought to slow the metabolism, it cools an overactive sex drive and dissolves sexual frustrations.
Red Tigers Eye; has the same properties as Gold Tiger’s Eye but also some additional properties related to its colour - It is very good at stimulating and bringing motivation to one who is feeling tired/exhausted. Red Tigers Eye is also very effective at boosting a flagging libido and helping to summon motivation for a more passionate and active sex life, (a good one for under the pillow if your relationship needs a bit of spicing up!)