Crystal Programming for specific use

Programming is just a way to tell your crystal how you want it to work with you. Think of it as like making a new business contact and being able to be completely honest about what you want from them. It is especially important to programme your Crystals if you are using them for Grid-work or layouts.

Crystal Healing - how it works

In the most basic types of Crystal Healing the healer will correlate the colour of a crystal with the chakra area in which the ailment lies, for example if someone was suffering with laryngitis, the healer would probably use a blue coloured crystal as the throat chakra is blue.

Crystal Grids for Money/Business success

The idea is that Crystals of the same type energetically connect with each other, and in doing so create invisible boxes which are filled with the vibration, and properties, of that particular Crystal.

Body Language for Confidence

We all know that body language affects other peoples perception of us, and can be used to encourage positive interactions. This isn’t new news, the thing we haven’t until recently, been able to prove is whether our own positive body language can improve your OWN state of mind…until now.

Crystal Grid for Stress Relief

Firstly decide exactly what the effect is that you would like the grid to have and chose the appropriate tumble stones.For example, if the people in your house are arguing Selenite or Fluorite would bring some peace and clear the air.If you wanted to invite more love into your life Rose Quartz Tumbles would be right, or if you wanted motivation and energy then Red Tigers Eye Tumbles or Carnelian would do the job!

Crystal Forms and meanings

There are many different Crystal formations, and equally as many interpretations of their talents and uses, so I’m just going to start with a handful or two. Knowing the strengths of particular shapes is a wonderful playground for choosing crystals that are naturally talented in the area you desire. Most are multi talented but have one outstanding super-power.

Consciously Create A Life That You Love

The act of conscious creation is just deciding exactly what you want to be, do, or have, then working in harmony with the Universe until it materialises – Easy!I think the biggest mistake the human race has made up until now is believing that we are at the mercy of some greater force, that we don’t have control over our lives – I disagree with that, and having been practising conscious creating for about 3 years now I can confidently say – it absolutely works!

Colour Therapy For Moods And Health

So, can we harness the powerful energy of colour and use it to our advantage? The answer is yes absolutely! Colours can have such positive and mood altering effects on our emotions. Have you ever gazed fondly at a vibrant colour and felt the heat or coolness or cheerfulness that...