How To Attract Abundance - Using Crystals and Feng Shui

With the help of healing crystals and simple Feng Shui you can create a home that generates prosperity and abundance. Green Aventurine, Citrine, and Jade are powerful crystals known for their ability to attract wealth and lovely abundance! Here's a simple guide on how to use these crystals along with Feng...

Anxiety Relief - Harnessing the Calming Energies of Sodalite, Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Black Tourmaline,and Onyx

In the bustle of modern life, finding inner peace can feel like an elusive quest. However, beautiful crystal healing offers hope! Today, we're looking at the potential of five powerful crystals—Sodalite, Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Black Tourmaline, and Onyx— discover how their unique energies can guide us towards inner peace in the...

Embracing the Year of the Dragon in 2024: What's in store for you?

Year of the Dragon 2024 As we step into the hopeful and auspicious year of 2024, the Chinese zodiac welcomes the powerful Year of the Dragon. In Chinese astrology, each year is associated with an animal sign, and the Dragon, the only mythical creature among the twelve, is revered for its...

How To - Simple Crystal Grid for Protection and Space Clearing In The Home

Arranging the Crystals: Begin by placing a selenite tumble stone in each corner of the room you want to protect. Selenite is excellent for purifying energy. Then, place black tourmaline tumble stones evenly around the room's perimeter, creating a protective boundary. If you're using a clear quartz point, place it in the center

Crystal Meditation for Clearing Mental Clutter and Memory Improvement

You will need 2 pieces of Citrine  to strengthen the memory (and positivity), a piece of Amethyst for insight (and clarity) and 2 pieces of Green calcite for mental Clarity (and energy clearing), if you don’t have Green Calcite then Fluorite works well too.

7 Useful jobs for your quartz point

Energy Clearing: Sweep the quartz point around your body or through your energy field to remove stagnant or negative energy. Start from the top of your head and move down to your feet, envisioning the crystal absorbing and dissolving any blockages.

Crystals and Cancer By Guest Writer Citrine Sunflower

Have you ever wondered just how far a Crystal will go to help you with it’s own energies? Giving to you selflessly, mingling with your energies to create something beautiful. I’ve wondered often and they never cease to amaze me.Lately I have been looking at health matters and energies surrounding illnesses.

Death, Guilt and Healing

Recently I have heard many beautiful people crippling themselves with guilt over what they did or didn’t say or do to someone that has recently died - Guilt is so often a devastating side effect of grief, but the good news is it is NEVER too late to say something to your dead loved one if you carry the weight of unspoken things.