Aprils Birthstone - Diamond

April's Diamond: Unveiling your Inner LightThis is a wonderful crystal that represents the radiance of our souls, it carries properties of clarity, strength and brilliant light. Diamond with its brilliance and exceptional clarity, illuminates the realms of both the material and the spiritual. Its name stems from the Greek word "adamas," meaning...

Birthstone for February - Amethyst

Amethyst Crystal: This beautiful crystal radiates tranquility and spiritual peace, it resonates with the qualities of protection, spiritual insight and serenity Its healing energy is believed to soothe anxiety and promote emotional balance. Amethyst's energies also resonate with the Crown Chakra, fostering a connection to the Divine and promoting a sense of peace within...

Birthstone for March - Aquamarine

March's Mystical Aquamarine Birthstone: Named after the Latin words "aqua marina," meaning "water of the sea," Aquamarine's Energy truly is a balm for the soul in these turbulent times. As a stone of calming influence, it navigates the ebbs and flows of our emotions. The energy of Aquamarine resonates with the...

Birthstone for January - Garnet

Welcome to January's beautiful birthstone – Garnet, which is said to ignite the passions and joys within you; also known for bringing courage, passion and strength, positivity and light to our souls. This gem evokes a profound connection to primal energies. It carries Courage and Endurance within it. Steadfast in the face of...

What is a Crystal?

There are Millions of people who work with Crystals. If you are reading this, I can only guess that you are one of those people? Either way, have you ever actually asked yourself or been asked by someone else, “What is a crystal?”I certainly have! I’m one of those people who is always intrigued by what others may view as ‘the small things’ but what is small to them is huge to me.

Why work with Crystals? It's just a stone!

Whether you are certified Crystal healer or someone who likes to pop one in your pocket to 'see what will happen', whether you’re a complete Crystal sceptic or someone who is just curious, know this, there are a plethora of different answers to the most often asked question 'Why do you work with Crystals?'.For those who read this and think: "Ahh, she's talking rubbish about a stone, it's just a stone"WELCOME! You're reading this so there's a start.

How To Create A Crystal Grid

If you wanted to invite more love into your life Rose Quartz would be right, or if you wanted motivation and energy then Red Tigers Eye  or Carnelian would do the job! For problems with anxiety or stress use Sodalite, Aventurine or Blue Lace Agate. For grounding and confidence Haematite and Labradorite would be perfect.