Tigers Eye Thumb Stone

£2.50 £4.20 Save £1.70

A dark tigers eye thumb stone that measures about 3.8cm long x 2.9cm wide x 0.5cm deep.

Here are five ways to use your tiger's eye thumb stone in healing:

Grounding Meditation: Hold the thumb stone in your hand during a grounding meditation session to connect with its stabilizing energy and promote a sense of security and strength.
Anxiety Relief: Carry the thumb stone in your pocket or purse and hold it whenever you feel anxious or stressed. Its calming presence can help soothe nerves and promote a sense of calm.
Visual Focus: Place the thumb stone on your desk or altar as a visual focus point during times of decision-making or when setting intentions. Its presence can help you stay centered and focused on your goals.
Chakra Balancing: Use the thumb stone to gently massage each chakra point on your body, starting from the base of the spine and moving upwards, to help balance and align your energy centers.
Protection: Place the thumb stone under your pillow or on your nightstand to create a protective shield of energy while you sleep. This can help ward off negative influences and promote restful sleep.
These practices can help you harness the healing properties of your tiger's eye thumb stone for physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Properties of Tigers Eye

  • Clarity
  • Motivation
  • Passion

Tigers Eye is a stone of good luck, wealth and courage. It is said to bless the wearer/carrier with personal empowerment, a joyful outlook and sunny disposition, whilst maintaining mental clarity and foresight